Simply tell which credit repair items should be addressed, and they will begin work on your case. Proven services so effective that past clients have seen an average of 10.2 items, or 24% of their presenting negatives are removed within 4 months. Lexington Law leverages your consumer rights with their unparalleled experience to engage your individual creditors, and the credit bureaus. They work on your behalf to help ensure that your credit reports are fair, accurate, and substantiated. Lexington Law Firm has helped hundreds of thousands of clients take action and repair their credit, since being founded in 1991. Call Lexington Law for a free credit consultation and let the leading credit repair firm in the nation help fix your credit issues.
Clean Up Your Credit Report
Protect and improve your credit, identity, and finances, all in one place
Negative items on your credit report?
Talk to the leaders in credit report repair
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