Keep everyone hydrated and healthy this summer with pure, refreshing bottled water delivered to your door each week. Make the right choice for convenient home or office bottled water delivery service from a regional supplier to give you’re the best delivery service. DS Waters is the premier U.S. home and office water delivery company, offering pure and refreshing bottled water. Their family of regional brands includes Alhambra®, Belmont Springs®, Crystal Springs®, Deep Rock®, Hinckley Springs®, Kentwood Springs®, Nursery® Water, Sierra Springs®, Sparkletts®, and our coffee delivery service, Roast2Coast® -- each with a reputation for quality. Whether you prefer spring, purified, distilled or fluoridated, they have high-quality bottled water sure to quench your thirst. They also offer an array of water coolers for sale or for rent. These coolers conveniently dispense water that’s just the right temperature for whatever you need – from a refreshing glass of ice water to a soothing mug of hot tea. Take a look at the options available for your home or office.
Get pure water delivered to your home or office!
5 gallon bottle plans start at $23.99 every 4 weeks.
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Add multiple coolers, mix/match flavors & more!
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Get $50 Off Bottled Water Delivery Service.
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Terms and conditions apply.
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