Tuesday, February 5, 2008

BodyTrends - Health and Fitness Equipment

BodyTrends is the leading fitness and exercise equipment shopping resource online and offers quality home fitness equipment and accessories. Aerobic and strength training, yoga, pilates, ab training, weight loss, inversion equipment, aquatic fitness gear, heart rate monitors, and footwear are only a few of thousands of fitness equipment and accessory choices. Find everything you need to get yourself back in shape or move your routine to the next level. They also carry a complete line of fitness books, videos and music that will make your workouts more effective, more efficient, more informative and more fun!

Bodytrends Health and Fitness

Bodytrends Health and Fitness

Denise Austin PowerBelt Walking System

f you need more options,
take a look at our Fitness Page.

Check back often for the more current Sales and Specials.
All Around The Mall.com
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